Content with Nhóm tin tức Pháp luật về tiếp cận thông tin .

Content with Nhóm tin tức Pháp luật về tiếp cận thông tin .

Content with Nhóm tin tức Pháp luật về tiếp cận thông tin .

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> entry  [in template "20098#20124#40339" at line 14, column 22]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign currCates = entry.getCategori...  [in template "20098#20124#40339" at line 14, column 1]
1<#assign liferay_ui = taglibLiferayHash["/META-INF/liferay-ui.tld"] /> 
3<#assign LayoutLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutLocalService")> 
4<#assign pageLayout = LayoutLocalService.getLayout(themeDisplay.getLayout().getGroupId(), false, themeDisplay.getLayout().getLayoutId()) /> 
6<#-- get Friendly URL --> 
7<#assign friendly_page_link = portalUtil.getLayoutFriendlyURL(pageLayout, themeDisplay)> 
9<#assign pageURL = pageLayout.getFriendlyURL() /> 
11<#assign viewActionURL = portletURLFactory.create(request,"com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_AssetPublisherPortlet_INSTANCE_YJilkUZKVM3E", 84 ,"RENDER_PHASE") /> 
14<#assign currCates = entry.getCategories()[0] /> 
15${viewActionURL.setParameter("categoryId", currCates.getCategoryId()?string)} 
19portlet_display = portletDisplay 
20portlet_title = htmlUtil.escape(portlet_display.getTitle()) 
22<#assign groupUrl = portalUtil.getGroupFriendlyURL(layout.getLayoutSet(),themeDisplay) /> 
23<#if entries?has_content> 
24    <div class="news-box"> 
25        <div class="page-header text-uppercase"> 
26            <h3 class="font-weight-bold"> 
27                <a href="/tin-tuc/-/categories/${currCates.getCategoryId()}"> 
28                    <#if portlet_title != 'Asset Publisher' && portlet_title != 'Xuất bản thông tin'> 
29                    ${portlet_title} 
30                    <#else> 
31                    ${currCates.getName()?string} 
32                    </#if> 
33                </a> 
34            </h3> 
35        </div> 
36        <#list entries as entry> 
37            <#assign assetRenderer = entry.getAssetRenderer() /> 
38            <#assign article = assetRenderer.getArticle() /> 
40            <#assign viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, entry, true) /> 
42            <#assign viewURL = assetRenderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse, viewURL) /> 
43            <#assign viewURL = '${groupUrl}/chi-tiet-tin-tuc/-/news/${entry.getGroupId()}/${assetRenderer.getUrlTitle(locale)}.html' /> 
44            <#assign aSmallImgURL = "/images/hg.jpg" /> 
45            <#if assetRenderer.getThumbnailPath(renderRequest)?has_content > 
46                <#assign aSmallImgURL = assetRenderer.getThumbnailPath(renderRequest) /> 
47            </#if> 
49            <#if entry?is_first> 
51                <div class="row page-body"> 
52                    <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5 pr-0"> 
53                    <a href="${viewURL}" class="pl-0">  
54                        <img class="img-thumbnail border-0 w-100 h-100" src="${aSmallImgURL}" alt="${entry.getTitle(locale)}"> 
55                    </a> 
56                    </div> 
57                    <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> 
58                        <h6 class="mt-0 title"> 
59                            <a href="${viewURL}" class="font-weight-bold">${entry.getTitle(locale)}</a> 
60                            <p class="mb-0"> 
61                            <small class="text-muted"><i class="icon-time"></i> ${article.getCreateDate()?string["dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"]}</small> 
62                            </p> 
63                        </h6> 
65                        <div class="desc">${stringUtil.shorten(assetRenderer.getSummary(renderRequest, renderResponse), 150)}</div> 
66                    </div> 
67                </div> 
68                <hr class="bg-primary"/> 
69                <ul class="list-unstyled"> 
70            <#else> 
71                <li class=""> 
72                    <a href="${viewURL}" class="" title="${entry.getTitle(locale)}"> 
73                        <i class="icon-double-angle-right text-danger"></i> ${entry.getTitle(locale)} 
74                        <small class="text-muted"><i class="icon-time"></i> ${article.getCreateDate()?string["dd/MM/yyyy"]}</small> 
75                    </a> 
76                </li> 
77            </#if> 
78            <#if entry?is_last> 
79            </ul> 
80            </#if> 
81        </#list> 
82    </div> 

Content with Nhóm tin tức Pháp luật về tiếp cận thông tin .

Asset Publisher

Content with Nhóm tin tức Pháp luật về tiếp cận thông tin .